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Teacher Professional Development

Public Seminars

i-Learner is always committed to supporting you in finding new ways to inspire and motivate your students in learning the English Language. We have hosted various seminars in the past few years in an effort to bring useful knowledge to teachers through renowned experts. These events have attracted hundreds of English educators.

Professional Development Series 4

Learning English through Storytelling and Learning English through Poems & Songs

12 Mar 2010
Speaker: Rebecca PATTERSON, Senior Lecturer (Drama Education),
Institute of Education, The Manchester
Metropolitan University

Speaker: Max Hui-Bon-Hoa, Course Coordinator of the Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies,
as well as Acting Course Coordinator of the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
The University of Hong Kong

Here at i-Learner, we are always working hard to support our dedicated frontline teachers. We understand the pressure and changes brought about by the education reforms, and we are committed to supporting you in finding new ways to inspire and motivate your students in the English Language.
This March, two highly experienced i-Learner consultants shared with over 80 teachers from Hong Kong and Shenzhen how to teach English through storytelling, poems, and songs. This free seminar was held in Graduate House of The University of Hong Kong.

Professional Development Series 3

Learning English through Workplace Communication

Evi shared with the teacher participants her wealth of experience as a consultant who has helped companies design and manage successful communications strategies. She also hosted several training sessions about effective communication for graduates and professionals. Evi demonstrated how she successfully integrated written and oral materials related to the workplace into teaching when she taught at a number of schools in the UK.

May 2009
Speaker: Evi ABELA, BA, MA (Human Resources and Classics),
University of Cambridge

Professional Development Series 2

Drama in education: A powerful tool for teaching English

Rebecca has been working in the UK with a number of schools and teachers. She has helped them develop a creative curriculum for the future. She shared her insights about achieving the objective of the NSS elective on drama: "Drama can help pupils to appreciate, internalise, and synthesise thoughts and feelings relating to the lesson content..."

July 2008
Speaker: Rebecca PATTERSON, Senior Lecturer (Drama Education),
Institute of Education, The Manchester
Metropolitan University
Sam has been working as a theatre practitioner and teacher in schools and colleges in the UK and abroad for six years, teaching children aged 8 - 18. He has recently worked for the National Theatre Connections Festival in London. While there, he facilitated the staging of nine plays by young people. He led our teachers in playing a number of interesting drama games, and demonstrated how these games could be used in language teaching.
Speaker: Sam YATES, BA, MA English with Education Studies,
University of Cambridge

Learning English through Drama

Rebecca developed many useful tools to give to the participaremely well received workshop, including a Drama Conversion List and resources for planning a drama lesson.
May 2009 Speaker: Rebecca PATTERSON, Senior Lecturer (Drama Education),
Institute of Education, The Manchester
Metropolitan University

Professional Development Series 1


Seminars for teachers are held regularly. Over the past few years, our e-Learning Seminar Series has had the honour of having Professor David Nunan (Director of English at the Language Center of the University of Hong Kong) and Dr. Bob Fox (Deputy Director of CITE at the University of Hong Kong) as speakers. Their seminars were entitled "The Potential of e-Learning" and "Innovative e-Practices" respectively. More than two hundred English Language teachers attended these seminars. They gained and shared their insight on e-Learning and e-Teaching.

Learning with Information Technology
Dr. Fox introduced various teaching practices that adopt the use of technology to support student learning. He investigated approaches to using technology that minimise teacher preparation time.
April 2006 Speaker: Dr Bob FOX, Deputy Director, Center for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong
The Potentials of e-English Learning
Prof. Nunan made a powerful case to demonstrate how the Internet can support and supplement, if not replace, classroom learning, and that the Internet actually offers solutions to certain challenges that are beyond the reach of regular classrooms.
May 2005 Speaker: Prof. David NUNAN, Chair Professor of Applied Linguistics and Director of English Centre, the University of Hong Kong
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